Friday, 6 June 2008

The Swing of Things

So this is it. Finally, putting pen to paper (sort of.) It's been a long time since I tried to put my thoughts into written words. I know that to be successful at most anything you must practice, practice, practice. Some bloggers commit to posting daily, others weekly. For now I think that I will forego such a committment and plan only to blog when the mood strikes me. I suppose it is telling that I set up this blog over a year ago and am only blogging for the first time ever today. Getting back into the swing of things as they say. I have often wondered what it is that everyday people blog about. My life seems fairly mundane but I suppose recognizing the special moments, recognizing what I can learn from everyday events and passing that on to whoever wants to listen is the purpose of this exercise. I'm hoping that putting my thoughts out to the world will help me see more of the world in which I live. One might say, forcing me to stop and smell the daisies.
I remember reading Joyce's "The Dead" in high school, maybe it was college, and I've been thinking lately that I'm one of them. Time to be reborn in some fashion perhaps. Time to get back into the swing of things. It's funny the thoughts that middle-age brings. A re-examination of goals and desires, a revisitation of goals long forgotten. The kids are grown and now I feel I need to reinvent myself. Not the father anymore, certainly not the young man I was before parenthood, someone else. Still the husband, the airline worker, the wanna-be writer, the artist, the musician. Not changed really, just re-invented.
I know that to accomplish this I have to take my son's advice. Just do it. Stop thinking about the things I didn't do and write a new page. Begin a new post. Get back into the swing of things. Wish me luck.

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